Saturday, January 3, 2009

a dream.

yesterday i had a dream.. i dream that, i was waiting for her to finish her work at a shopping mall or something. then when she came out, i asked her whether is she hungry. then she said, if i'm hungry will u pay for me? lol. for me, of course it would be my pleasure. on the way, i was like, trying to hold her hand. her left hand. hehe.. i was shocked when i was holding her hand, i found out that she was holding mine too :D that was really nice. the feel, haven't fade in my heart yet. but.. it was only a dream. it didn't last long. i wish dreams could come true. even if it couldn't, at least, last longer.. hehe

1 comment:

Melody of Memories said...

hehe,you just have to believe one day,someday,dreams will come true ~ just wish for it ya sai lou!