Tuesday, January 27, 2009
i get drunk
Sunday, January 25, 2009
a failed call on the chinese new year
Sunday, January 18, 2009
i think jor hou long to write this ~_~
Well, I don’t think you’ll get it right if you’re trying to judge how old is she just by her look. She’s already an adult because she’s 19 this year.
We knew each other through internet gaming, so I don't know how she looks like, we decided to meet up. I first met her in Time Square, the shopping mall. She was working there, as a promoter. I’ve never been there before and I could get lost easily in a place without being accompanied. I was walking around the lobby, looking for her. After I walk around the lobby for 2 to 3 rounds, I gave up. I called her and asked for her specific location. She asked me to go down through the escalator on my left, and that’s all. She asked me to look around because she shouldn’t be talking on the phone, or else she will be scolded by her supervisor. So I’ll just have to follow the directions she gave.
I went down using the escalator and I saw her. She looked mature in the uniform of the promoters and her short hair. As I expected, she was an extrovert. When I first saw her, she was already smiling at me. Her smile was warm and friendly. Also, she doesn’t seem to be shy like me; I wasn’t the first one who started the conversation. However, the way she talks makes me feel comfortable while I’m spending time with her. I remembered I asked her, “Don’t you feel tired with all these works? You have to serve those customers, some of them may be friendly, but some of them aren’t so. Also, if you did something wrongly, you’ll be scolded badly. Isn’t that frustrating?” she answered my questions with a smile, “it is true that the works are tiring me, and it does feel annoying when you’re being scolded badly. But do you know, people learn from their mistakes? After you’re being scolded, you won’t repeat the same mistakes again. Not only that, without being scolded, you won’t be able to improve. So, this work is actually fun and interesting. I’m enjoying it.” After listening to her replies, I felt like I’m being motivated to work.
It is 31st of December 2008, New Year’s Eve. We went for a countdown at The Curve. She dressed elegantly that night. That night, I had a wonderful time. Everyone seems to be counting seconds by seconds, 2009 is approaching. Of course, we are doing the same thing like the others did. When it is 12 sharp, the fireworks brighten the sky, with different patterns and colors. It was really beautiful. While the fireworks are started, she said, “You know, fireworks may be beautiful. However, it only last for a few seconds, and eventually, its lifespan ends. Do you know why I am telling you this?” I shook my head. Slowly, she continued, “it’s because; I hope our friendship would last forever.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just nod my head.
I knew her for only a year, but she is my best friend. I truly cherish for our friendship. She is a dependable person. Whenever I had problems in my studies or even my feelings, she’s always willing to help. Her advices are always different from the ones being said often. I enjoyed spending time with her.
She changed me a lot. She taught me to be confident always as I am always being so shy. Not only that, she is always encouraging me, as a result, I am improving myself slowly. Thanks to her, I turned out to be a lot better than last time.
I do respect her very much. Just like a student respects his teacher. Well, I felt like I’m starting to rely on her. I guess it’s because she is really too willing to help whenever I’m facing some problems. Not only that, she always tells me, “not to be afraid, there is always a way out when you’re in a puzzle. If you can’t find the way, do not hesitate to ask for help.”
A thousand thanks wouldn’t be enough for the things she helped me. She really did help me so much. Her smiles, keeps me away from being sad. Her advices, brings me back to the right path. I wish I could be like her. Thanks again for what you’ve did for me. Oh and, I forgot to mention her name here. Her name is Ying.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
i follow jek :D
新语言的一周 6/3-10
黄道宫位置: 约在双子座12-20度
季 节: 春末
元 素: 风
主宰行星: 水星
象征符号: 双胞胎
理解事物的方式: 思考
双子二的代表意象是「新语言」,以人的一生来看,相当于离开高中,准备要进入大学或就业市场的年纪。在这过渡时期中,一切充满不确定感,年轻人必须决 定未来的方向或职业,并加以规画、实行。缜密的思考能力、书写与言语的表达能力对他们愈来愈显重要;此外,思想的准确度、一致性与想象力、观察力也一样重 要。这时的年轻人会培养出独立人格,并能够坦然接受人生中的悲喜。
双子二的人有强烈的欲望想将自己的想法和感觉讲给别人听,即使别人不同意他们的看法,他们也一定会把自己的观感告诉 旁人。但是问题在于双子二习惯用「自己独特的语言」来表达,常使人有摸不着头绪的困扰。因此双子二的人经常遭人误解,变得紧张又倍受挫折。更糟的是,双子 二常为了让别人暸解他们的想法,不惜一再用不同的说法重复相同观念,而且不停地说,对别人形成疲劳轰炸。
双子二的人机智聪敏、快活有趣,他们很懂得如何吸引别人的注意。但就长期人际交往关系而论,双子二这种爱现的态度刚 开始时可能真的会令人眼睛一亮,但时间一久,对方便会觉得双子二不怎么样,甚至有些烦人。除此之外,双子二所想的和所说的常不一致,加上一直急切地想表达 自我,常把人搞得很累,有的人就算听不懂他们说什么,最后也干脆装懂。不过,误解总是会在事后发生,别人就会回过头来指责双子二的人表达不清。
对双子二的人来说,语言并非唯一的沟通方式,他们的肢体语言也可以表达得很好。他们终其一生,都非常需要能舒展筋 骨、表达肢体语言的运动或活动,尤其在他们年轻时,这更是生活中不可或缺的一部份。这些活动不仅可以发展他们敏捷的才思,同时又可增进食欲及改善睡眠品 质。其实情感的适度表达也可以是双子二的沟通方式,这可以让他们感受到爱与感激,并和他人分享经验。
双子二的人很喜欢与人一较长短,而且很容易失去控制。竞争心虽然会使得双子二的人很敏锐,但也会使他们争强好胜、好 辩,他们往往利用自己的机智辩才,毫不留情地伤害对方。除非他们能克制自己爱批评的毛病,否则连最亲密的朋友都会逐渐疏远他们。双子二的人其实对自己也很 严苛。这一周出生的人会因父母曾指责他们没有责任感、一事无成或能力不足而缺乏自信。如果这问题能改善,双子二对别人过份锐利的态度便会软化下来。他们如 刺猬般的外表往往是怕遭人误解,或怕被人误认他们愚蠢、不成熟而伪装出来的。只要他们能改变行为模式,对自己不要那么严格,快乐一点,并学习接纳自己的不 完美,他们便能有效改善人际关系。
双子二的人在择偶时往往只凭一时的直觉和冲动。通常过不了多久,便会发现他们精挑细选的人根本不关心他们在讲些什 么,而且也很少花时间倾听。双子二的人很容易被安静、内向的人所吸引,不过时间久了,双子二的人就会觉得对方的沉默不语是一种排斥他们的表现,但其它能言 善道的人却又不像安静的人那么能吸引双子二。这除了是互补的吸引作用外,也因为双子二的人私下对人生的黑暗面很感兴趣。再加上双子二的人虽然表面上看起来 很活泼外向,像是天生的乐观主义者,其实他们有时只是强颜欢笑。由于深怕被别人排斥,双子二的人会拚命掩饰自己不好的缺点,这也是他们喜欢跟个性不开朗的 情人或朋友交往的真正原因。
双子二应该用更理性的方法来选择伙伴。与其选择背景完全不同的人,不如挑住在同一都市或邻近地区,种族相同、经济能 力相当的人做为伴侣,这样更能顺利地建立良好的互动关系。如此双方不但有共同语言,彼此也比较容易沟通。双子二的人与配偶的共通点是维持两人长久关系的基 础,这种选择比单靠一时激情和吸引力来得可靠实际。
双子二喜欢变化。跟他们相处的人常须提供各种新刺激与变化给他们,尤其是双子二本身缺乏组织能力,无法切实执行计 画,所以双子二很适合跟个性沉着、稳重实际型的人结合,在这种组合下双子二的人负责动脑提出新点子,然后由对方去修正、执行。双子二和实际型的人搭配,往 往可以缔造美好的姻缘、建立家庭,成为事业伙伴或分享共同嗜好的朋友。
当双子二需求无法满足时,便会去寻找更善解人意的第三者。如果这个第三者能一直保持客观的立场,他们的善解人意和同 情心或许有助于改善当事人的关系。可惜这第三者往往无法这么做,而是破坏了别人的婚姻、爱情或事业关系。换句话说,双子二要小心,尽量与那些表面上显得很 有同情心,实际上却自私,可能破坏别人感情的人保持距离。
优点 健谈、竞争力强、富创新能力
缺点 不善沟通、缺乏组织能力、肤浅
情侣: 金牛座二 金牛双子座 巨蟹座一 巨蟹座三 狮子处女座 处女天秤座 射手魔羯座 双鱼座一
夫妻: 双鱼牡羊座 天秤天蝎座 天蝎座三 射手座一 魔羯水瓶座 双鱼座三
朋友: 金牛座三 双子座一 巨蟹狮子座 狮子座二 狮子座三 天秤座一 天蝎座二 射手座三 魔羯座一 水瓶座一
家人: 牡羊座三 双子巨蟹座 天秤座二 水瓶座三 水瓶双鱼座 双鱼座二
同事: 牡羊座一 双子座二 双子座三 狮子座一 处女座三 天秤座三 天蝎座一 射手座二 魔羯座二 水瓶座二
do u think i'm like this? :D